Sunday, March 31, 2013


Why are you so broken?
Is his spirit still trapped in you?
Did a small part of you like it?
He was your uncle and
Your soul was single until
parts of his body and his
soul crept inside of you.
Why didn't you scream?

Mommy was home & would have
Done anything to end those
Terrifying dreams and those
Soul transfusing realities.
You could have let me know,
Or even gave me fair warning.
My soul, my soul use to be
my own.

It danced happily in my body,
But since you've found home
Between these thighs my
Soul has been broken.
Shattered like bones crushing
Soft ice cream cones.

I noticed, that when I looked
In the mirror, it looked
Unfamiliar to me cause
All I saw was you.
I'd trained myself to never
Look you in the eye when
I lay with you cause you
Could tell me anything.

Tell me you love me &
I would have believed it.
But you could never love
All of me cause now I'm all of you.

You've never been taught the value
Of loving YOU and I guess, neither
Had I.
Now, I'm afraid to cry,
and you have yet to
Jerk a tear.

You'd never allow me to make
Lust back to you, you never
Took your clothes off,
Now I feel ugly.
My soul is tired of walking down
These dark and musty
Streets in Chicago.

Living In a big house I still
Feel homeless. You evicted
My mind & soul when you
First kissed both sets of my

They have no home.
All cause you were too broken
And to bitter to stop looking
For the light and find God when
Its dark.

I'm not myself any more,
I'm your broken soul.

Why is your soul broken?

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