Saturday, January 5, 2013

Drop The Drag!

Cop car lights, loud sirens, my life can be over.
Think quick, do I want to be like Cleo in set it off & drive through the bullets?
Or do I want to be as normal as possible & just pull over cause i'm already a drag Queen.
Uuuum, i'll choose to pull over. I am much to fierce to die in this war-paint I call Make-up.
"Step out of the car sir."
"You didn't tell me why you're pulling me over officer."
"Sir, why i'm pulling you over ain't important, now step out the car & let me search that ass."
"How do you know I'm a Sir? I'm Clearly in woman's clothing."
"Just step out of the freaking car you freaking Queer! I MEAN Queen."
"You have the right to remain silent so shut yo' ass up."
There I was, in broad day light, full drag, getting arrested.
Any Queens worse dream, i had been chosen by this crappy law system we call Justice to undress in a room full of Queer hating, Queen beating thug life men. I too was then made again a man.
"Get all that Clown-Pain off yo' face" the guard said.
She was asking me to scrub away the only identity I knew to claim as my own.
Hair & Paint makes a man what he ain't.
I am now a man again!
Not by choice but by force.
Through stereotypical arrest, hand cuffs colder than the air that hits the blood after that blades first slice to my wrist I, had bones colder than ice that day.
Palms discovering stutters faster than the sweat from the Molly popping discovered my face.
I developed ARThritis in my eyes that day. Finding it hard to see my self face to face, I had to discover the ART in ARThritis.
Transparently painting my face with imaginary war paint. I using snap shots of photos in my brain I had taken of RuPaul the night before I was barley read my Miranda rights.
I had not taken my Hormones in 6weeks, state pin stripped me of my identity.
Half grown breast, my cell mate didn't care.
He violently loved on me anyway. I, closing my eyes & sometimes looking the other way, I would choose to be a Woman any day.
Maybe the Women's jail isn't as populated with booty hole rapist.
And guys named Big Sall who smelled of a tall glass of that Chocolate security guard the eyed me in the shower trying to puzzle together my lady parts & delete my man parts from his brain.
The day I got arrested was the worst day of my drag Queens life. But inside of me I dropped the drag & held up the Queen higher than Simba in the lion king.
I birthed a better Queen.

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