I am a poem, my title is not sorry.
My title is not sorry because it doesn't apologize & still feels no sorrow in its heart.
My title is not sorry because she isn't sorry for having extra curves in her hips & extra food on her plate.
My title is not sorry.
I am a poem & my title is not sorry.
It isn't sorry for succeeding, it isn't sorry for crying real tears.
And it isn't sorry for always being real with herself.
"What you see is what you get" is what my poems always say.
So, my poem is a thousand & one souls standing on front lines naked in front of God.
Willing to be emptied of herself to be filled with him. My poem is not sorry.
She isn't sorry for finding home wrapped in another woman's arms, my poem is not sorry for not being pleasing to ones eyes or in this case ears.
My poem forgets to pray at dinner time & sometimes questions her faith, but never loosens her grip on the Lord's hands that she possibly falls.
This poem has palms that discovers stutters when ever her mother screams her name.
This poem has a mother that may not make it to see tomorrow, but she won't feel sorrow because she isn't sorry for loving her mother to her very last day.
This poem wasn't connected by the stars or kidnapped from the mountains of Zion.
My poem came from eyes looking like Cracking Levy's.
This poem came from our Slave shipped, beaten & raped Grandmother's.
They wrote this poem in my palms & said
"Hold these words close to your heart because these words every woman woman will remember when she's forced to remain silent."
This poem is the dirty little secrets churches scream about.
I am a poem and my title is not sorry.
Why should I ever apologize? I'm not sorry.
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