Sunday, January 6, 2013

America's battle field

You don't have money to buy pens & paper. But you take away the text books & replace them with computers. No wonder why when you ask kids today whats the best thing to happen to them they say FaceBook instead of God. We took God out of the class rooms & replaced him with a few stripes & 50 stars & never looked back to see the battle field we made of our selves. We're gone & probably never coming back.
You can never snap back to having pride in you chest & believing God is always at his best when your god is the creator of air Max & snap backs.
You need to snap back into what is true. You need to snap back into you.
You think its kool to sing about "popping Molly's" & starting to sweating, but you have no idea you'll do more than sweat. You'll die looking to be cool when you'll only die with the credits of being trenadad's 1st, 2nd or 3rd fool.
Being High ain't cool. Now being in school is cool cause you'll have the opportunity to be the puppeteer & not the puppet. You are being made the rap games fool.
And I partly want to blame the schools cause their allowing these fools to be fools in school instead of making them into honest young men & women, they instead frown their noses up & say i'll let your home deal with it but did they forget, it takes a village to raise a child so where are the village people?
Momma, momma laid her head in her hands cause she ain't know what to do she say "I want to blame you father"
but momma, my daddy is like God, I never seen him but I know he exist.
He popped a few Molly's too, stared sweating & left his marks on my back he did much more than sweat.
You don't have pen & paper, but you take away our text books & replace them with computers. Then you wonder why when you ask kids today whats the best thing to happen to them they say FaceBook instead of God!

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