I'm Skin. I am no longer your prisoner.
Brown woman know no fear no more. It cremated itself. Seemed to have taken the shape of me, I feared myself.
Promised granny I'd never cremate myself, she said it'll send me to hell. Closed my eyes and made a pact with the devil, pinky promised him infinity to forever.
Wouldn't want to stain God's angel costume with my color, you say black is forever, but they didn't think so. Water blasted by those made to protect us. I cremated myself before they got the chance.
Prepped myself for my own casting down to hell. Black robe and red lip stick. I took out my soul, washed it & put it in his pocket. Devil you took hold of my soul, but this earth will forever have this body, brown, and blistered.
I'm another black body swinging in the earths breeze cause we don't just die in the summer time. Black berries be sweetest so they eat us alive, vultures they are.
Come to the darkness, where you may, but most likely may not survive. This body, brown skin of mine, never asked to be light so to have some kind of burden my hips lay heavy weight upon the world.
They always got to find something wrong with me. Maybe this cremation of her was mental. Maybe she was molested. Or maybe she was black... But why can't I just be tired? I wanted to sleep forever.
Being black blocks bad business dealing with the devil. He may have glitter, but it will never turn to gold. Burning for a fix we sell souls for phony kicks & stones. We wait all weekend to get high for this.
Lil Sis...you are a BAADDDDDD WOMAN.
ReplyDeleteKeep writing and doing your thing.