Sunday, November 10, 2013


Everyone's obsessed with being Presses, permed, curled, gelled down & sexy. But no one really know's what it's like to be pretty... Better yet, no one even wants to know what it's like to be beautiful. 

We've all found these cat calls and whispers to be pretty to our ears but, we have yet to find a cup of confidence suitable for our smiles. 

Smiles that have been tainted by our sisters viscous words. Why does what team we stand on define our social guidelines? Light skinned, dark skinned, that shit don't matter. At the end we all African. 

The dust from our Great Grandmothers slave shipped & Raped finger tips is the ash between our brown toes. But we're too dumb to love every crevice of our parts. 

And you're too dumb too see that my natural is my beauty, I know you aren't aware but, there's a such thing as natural beauty. You're much too busy being pressed, permed curled & gelled down into sexy to notice my transformation from my butterfly to beautiful. 

I pray, that my daughters never have the heart of an evil like yours. It doesn't matter if their heads full of cotton like hair doesn't curl like the other yellow, brown girls. I'll still let them know there's a beautiful chance of their bellies dancing over their belt loops. 

Even if their mirrors looks unfamiliar to them, I'll let them know; they are a beauty not to be ashamed of. A beauty not to be minimized into just sexy. They are a beauty from a long line of brown, yellow, brown, brown, and some brown real brown girls who are more than Pressed, permed, curled & gelled down into sexy. 

We're a line of big hips & even bigger hearts. Open minds & open books. We're a line of blood that's traveled the underground rail road to God. So, when you poke fun at my fro, take a good look because this fro knows what a Shame it is to have been you once. 

I didn't know the beauty of being myself until I got a grip onto me... I guess you have to get a grip onto you too. But until then, find the beauty in being pressed, permed, curled & gelled down into sexy. The world is a lot more than just Sexy. 

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