He walks like diamonds have
Stolen all of the empty spaces
on his back, slumped over.
He has a heart that beats
like an explosive bomb and
When he sleeps at night
Everything goes Boom!
Silence is his deadliest
Weapon because a wise
man rarely speaks and always
He has turntables on his
fingertips and call them
his identity. His identity is
He went from ringing the back
boards of jail basketball
rims, to spit shining
his shoes for his next
Job interview.
He has two jobs already.
Being a father and a husband.
He has two jobs already.
He smiles and reveals
pearls for teeth and he
has a face that reveals
His true age from the wrinkles
Next to his eyes.
He has callused over worked
Thumbs from working the
Assembly line and constantly
Giving his daughter a thumbs up
For doing good.
This man is a HERO.
He's prince charming to his
King to his wife.
And super man to his son.
But somedays super man gets
Tired too. Super man
Has laid on his diamond
incrusted back some nights
and prayed that
Nobody needed saving because
He needed to be sleeping.
Super man cries at night too.
He cries out a prayer
That only God can answer
And even prays for his
Wife more than he
Prays for himself.
He has taken diamonds
out of his back to give his
Wife the perfect wedding
Ring. And some nights, he
uses his turntable fingertips to
Write his wife, out
Loud what he calls raps
But in his heart calls poems.
Lyrically he's like a blessing
But mentally he's like gun shells
Tripping over bettered cement.
Look at what the hood has
Done to him.
They've dribbled diamonds
Into his spine like his back
Was the basketball court.
And they shot honesty into
His left eye and a fearful
yet strong love for God into his
Not everything bad comes
Out of Chicago's hood,
Am I right!??
This man is a hero.
Prince charming to his daughter.
King to his wife.
And super man to his sun.
This is a man that at night
makes everything go boom.
This man gave faith in
his heart some Living Room.
ReplyDeletehow nice! :)