In my mind I've mentally date you 906 times. We're exclusive.
The first few time we didn't really work out because every time I would walk you to your door step and lean in for a good nights kiss, my alarm clock would wake me up.
Time you Jealous right? I guess time got jealious and decided to routinely inturrupt our romance. But that's ok. I got something for you this time.
This time instead of showing up at your door step with a 2 for 1 special coupon from "Pop eyes." I'll show up with freshly polished fingers and curls in my hair still warm, both waiting for you to lock your fingers in them.
I'll take you to a movie. We can make it our selves. No producers, props, stage lights or sound check.
Just you and I. I think we could win a Oscer for best love story that has ever gone unwritten.
What do you think?
Tonight will make our 907th date. Only this time its a real one. I've had plenty practice at this so I'll try not to look stupid.
I look in the mirror, check my fly, fix my jacket and check my breath. Now, I'm finally good to go.
I'm kind of new to this dating game so tell your father he dosen't have to wait up at the door with his shot gun with my name written on any of his 6 bullits, I'll have you home before 10. 10, mainly because that's my time to be home and I don't want to be late, but 10 because thats the number of times I've actually heard you say my name.
If we were going off how many times I've said your name out loud I'd be in my one.
I only spoke your name once in between the cracked four walls in my bedroom and even then butterflies took their last flutters in the pits of my stomach.
I can't help that there's no need to speak your name. When ever someone ask or speak of you to me,
before I can even start my sentence the letters of your name stand in line across my lips like toy soilders fighting an artificial war against my Teddy Bear, Barbie doll and my Super Man action figure.
Your face fits perfectly into the cracks of my eyelids but bever perfectly into my eye balls because your beauty is so dangerious, it radiates beams of light no other woman should be allowed to see because its off limits. All for me.
I'll take you on a date. I'll play coaster to a half full heart, catching the excess love thats sweating off of the glass of your body as the degree of passion riases above a .5 9.
Then I'll go home and start on mental date 908. Maybe 909 can be real next time.
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