Most days I catch myself staring at u in Math class.
And on all of these days I'm thinking of new ways to love you so deeply even God can feel it.
I hate those rainy days.
When the window shades are drawn
and the room's dark.
When I look at your skin, on your cheek
It looks like your crying because the rain shows
So clear on the
Window that it shows on
Your face too.!
I know how you feel
At night.
You hold yourself, crying, gripping your favorite pillow because you love
Someone you THINK
You can't have.
I know how you feel at night
Because I feel the same way too.
I don't know if
Its me you think you
Can't have but someday I want
You to take me away.!
Take me off into your world.
I wanna fly on your magic carpet.
I want us to
Be like Jasmine & Aladdin
In that Disney movie.!
But in our case it
Will be, Jasmine & Jazzmine
Flying off on a magic
Carpet into your world. I don't
Care what your outsides look like as
Long as your insides aren't rotten.
Your standing in this very room.
When I look left then look right
I just know I'll see you,
Because your always on the right side of
My heart.
Sorry if I give
You goose bumps as
I read this & maybe tomorrow I'll be
Sorry I ever read this.
But as of now I don't care.!!!
I just wanna clasp your
Face between my 2 palms
And hold u like no one
Ever held me.
I wanna make u my business
So when people tell me that anything
Involving you is non of by business
I can say,
I love u & your all the business
I need.
So there, your my business.
Im your secret crush & I need you.!!
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