Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Hooked on your love

You got me hooked on your love sweet love but, too bad you don't know it.
I've loved you endlessly since the 7th grade. I love you like my mother loves cala Lilly's on a sunday morning.
I love you like God loves me; unconditionally.
I love as much as beauty loves your face enough to stick.
I love you more than a ballerina loves to dance, more than the moon loves the sky, more than a milky way likes its wrapper.
But too bad you don't know it.
Too bad gay does not know your pride. And too bad I suffer because you cant accept yourself.
Baby, hear my cry.
I hate that I can't hold you as close because your afraid someone will know.
But haven't you heard of "Don't ask don't tell?"
They don't ask, we don't tell but if they do i can never live a lie.
So I'll just say,
"Yes, I spent the night holding someone. I held the one person God made for me. I laid with her in my arms, and I watched her sleep."
"I inhaled every exhale and I cherished it like it was my Bible. So yes, I held the one person God created for me when he created lesbians."
You got me hooked on your love sweet love, but too bad you don't know it.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

My Message To Chick-Fil-A

Chick-Fil-A will never for as long as I live get another dime of my money. I feel its just isn't right to say you have "Christen Values" & then Give money to the foundations that are pushing to stop the Movement of civil unions. If your a Christen like you say, then you will know that God don't like ugly & he sure don't like haters (IN ANY FORM). As Andrea (R.Kelly's ex-Wife also from VH1's HollyWood exes) Would say "You better check yo'

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Rolling with a cricKet

I hate when ppl ask 2 see my phone to do 1 thing then turn around & get on FACEBOOK. & DIDNT EVEN ASK.!! Like -_- I think thats just rude, greedy, & just flat out disrespectful. Like did u not take into consideration that I NEED TO KEEP AT LEAST A HALF BATTERY? People blow me up the FREAKING WALL. & then they wanna get mad cause they FEEL i think im "All that" cause I got an iPhone. Child gone people was jelious when I was rolling with a cricKet. I think your life starts when you step
------> this way & outta my way.